Monday, April 7, 2014

As if the U.S. didn't have enough to be concerned about in Crimea...

...this story provides yet another case study for the cyberwar (or "cybered warfare", if you prefer) debates. Note also the observation that, "America’s military and intelligence communities are grappling with these issues at all levels, but it’s particularly important for the Army given the large size and expansive reach of Army networks, which are the largest among all the service and which extend down to the tactical edge. The Army is responding to these developments in numerous ways.
The Army is considering the formation of a new branch or corps of cyberspace operators that spans electronic warfare, cyber and signals, a recommendation made by RAND and others. Several years ago, the Navy moved to create an information dominance corps, which merges electronic warfare and information technology functions into new career fields. The Army should follow suit."

On that note, the report from RAND quoted in the article is also a good read.