Monday, October 21, 2013

Quick insights (now that I have started blogging)

Some additional thoughts about this blog and yesterday's piece:

  • Aside from discussing war, peace, grad school, careers, and dating, I need to write about stuff like health and arts and entertainment (which was what I did when I wrote for my undergrad newspaper).
  • In my post about Bitcoin yesterday, I failed to ask a question that seems relevant: If Bitcoin is really a currency that will free us from the tyranny of currency-manipulating governments, why have the Chinese - AKA the world's most notorious currency manipulators - embraced it? I would like to look into this for a future post.
  • After not writing anything since my grad school master's thesis (nearly two years ago), and not having a regular online outlet for my writing, I'm already starting to feel a lot more energy and enthusiasm for my work, now that I have this blog. So maybe I won't ever be able to quit my day job and make a living writing, like some people whom I have met and admire greatly, but right now, it just feels good to remind myself how fulfilling it used to be whenever I sat down, organized my thoughts, and had product to call my own. I read so much stuff on Twitter, but when I don't write about it, I don't feel as though I am benefiting myself or anyone else.

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